A CSS Library.

Get Started

With Kore, you'll get core features that every websites needs.

We listen to what you need. Submit features to our github repo!

Kore comes with a navbar, a grid system and plenty of other neat goodies.

Why Kore?

Great question! With Kore, you get everything that matters. The core features every website needs. An excellent grid system, a navbar that is mobile-friendly, a variety of colorful buttons, a tiny CSS file that consists of ~500 lines of code, and plenty of other goodies that help make building websites pure joy.

Getting started

Getting started with Kore is quite simple. Start by downloading our zip file from Github, import the styles and JS folder to your project, and start building! In the near future we will also add Kore to NPM, so be on the lookout!

Download Kore


Let the world know your message through our simple yet elegant hero component.

Hello World

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod, modi? Optio, a aspernatur reiciendis sapiente rerum illum excepturi perspiciatis quasi rem ipsa fugiat, nostrum itaque molestias earum natus dolorum eius!

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Building the perfect grid can be a hassle. But it shouldn't! With Kore, you get a simple yet powerful grid system that flawlessly works on any screen.

One Column

Two Columns

Two Columns

Three Columns

Three Columns

Three Columns

If you'd like more columns inside your grid, simply create a new div containing the class name "column." You can create as many columns as you wish, but it is recommended that you only create up to 6 columns per row.


Let's be real. Designing buttons can be an annoying task at times. So, instead of wasting your time on buttons, use Kore's prebuild buttons and use your newly acquired time on something more entertaining.


One of the most fundamental abilities of any website is to collect data provided by the user, and the best way to collect that data is through forms. With Kore, you get mobile-friendly forms that look and work great on any screen.

Util Classes

Below you'll find a handful of classes that will make your development easier and a much smoother experience.